I love the sights and smells of Autumn. The brisk air, colorful foliage, bright pumpkins and gourds, the scent of burning wood- all those comforting familiar elements of fall! I have enjoyed this fall immensely. I was able to attend three wonderful fairs, go on a few foliage trips, go apple and pumpkin picking, make some festive desserts and basically just have a wonderful time with family and friends. Being away at school the past four years made me really appreciate all the time I had this year to really let the season envelope me.
Alas, the leaves are starting to turn brown and there are fewer and fewer leaves left on the trees. I keep wishing that they will hold on for a few more weeks. The browns left over remind us of how quickly winter is coming and the world starts to look so drab. Thankfully the Lord created snow to give us a refreshing look at our world once all the color has left us for the cold winter months. And Thank God for Christmas- without which we would have possibly 4 months with nothing bright and colorful adorning our houses and yards!
So I will hold on to these colors for as long as they will last me- stay with me Fall- I need you!