I know that a lot of people hate Valentines Day because they either don't have a romantic love or because they say it's a greeting card holiday. And whether or not those things are true, I think that everyone can still enjoy Valentines Day. It is a day to celebrate those you love whether that is your family, your friends or a lover. I like to think of it as an "ALL love" holiday- that makes it more friendly. It's always a great time to say "I love you."
When I was a little girl I only went to public school during 3rd and 4th grade. So I was around 8 years old when I first discovered the tradition of giving your classmates little Valentines. I thought it was a brilliant idea and I had so much fun making little lacy hearts for my friends. Ever since then I've loved making Valentines and try to make at least a few for my friends and family every year. This year I decided to invite my Grandma to join me in my card making fun and we had a great evening creating together. Why not share the love on both ends of the card? :)
So whether you are single, married, involved or alone- I know you can always find at least one person whom you love. Think of them today and tell them you love them- and if you send chocolates- they'll be sure to say it back! :)