Friday, January 1, 2010

Snowflakes That Stay On Your Nose And Eyelashes

I just love snow. I don't know anyone who loves it more than I do! Seeing the lightly falling flakes gives me such a feeling of serenity. I especially love when you can actually see the beautiful intricacies of each flake. It is quite difficult to capture on film however.


Today we took a scenic drive out to New Hampshire. While we were driving we saw a lot of gorgeous snow covered trees. They made me want to take a snowy hike in the woods! My sister thought it was a bad idea but I thought it sounded like a great wintery adventure! We did get to spend a little time outside while it was snowing though. It was the perfect kind of snow for a walk- light enough to be pretty without getting you wet! I think that everyone looks cuter with a light dusting of snow on their hair and eyelashes, don't you? And what walk in the snow would be complete without a steaming mug of hot chocolate waiting for you inside?

1 comment:

Alyssa Joy Lewis said...

Yes yes yes to hot chocolate!!! I'm going to go make some now. Thanks for the idea!