Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring Flowers

A few months ago I was talking with my aunt and cousin about the seasons and which ones we liked best. I said Fall and Winter were my favorite and then Summer was my next fave because there are barbecues and beach trips and vacations. Then I said I thought Spring was the most boring of the seasons because nothing really happens. WHAT? I guess I forgot about how beautiful all the trees look when they come into bloom and how all the daffodils cheer up the medians along the road.

There is this gorgeous white flowering tree down the street from my house. Every day for the past week I have driven by it and been obsessed with it. The way it is crooked and falling away from the house it sits beside is just so picturesque. Today I tried to snap a quick picture of it while driving very slowly. Thankfully no one was behind me and I was able to get a pretty good shot. If I were a better painter I would love to recreate this setting. It just has such a beautiful, reminiscent feeling about it.


It's safe to say that I no longer think Spring is the most boring season, but now I don't know how to pick it's replacement. I guess I will just have to love all the seasons equally and enjoy them as they come. :)

1 comment:

Heather B. Warriner said...

I've noticed spring in a whole new way this year too! I think it might have something to do with the fact that we have beautiful flowering trees right outside our windows. So, I see them (and how they've been changing) every day.